Standards Compliance

Some facts about this project:

  • All operations for the WFS Basic conformance class are implemented.
  • The CITE Test Suite only reveals a few bits left to implement.
  • You should be able to view the WFS server QGis.
  • The unit tests validate the output against WFS 2.0 XSD schema.

Unimplemented Bits

Some remaining parts for the “WFS simple” conformance level are not implemented yet:

  • KVP filters: propertyName, aliases.
  • Remote resolving: resolveDepth, resolveTimeout.
  • Multiple queries in a single GET call.
  • Some GetCapabilities features: acceptFormats and sections.
  • Temporal filtering (high on todo)
  • Tests on axis orientation.


  • WFS-T (Transactional) support, which also needs HTTP POST requests.


While WMS and WMTS are not on the roadmap, they could be implemented based on Mapnik. Other Python tiling logic such as TileCache and TileStache could serve as inspiration too.

Low-Prio Items

Anything outside WFS-T could be implemented, but is very low on the todo-list:

  • The methods for the WFS locking and inheritance conformance classes.
  • SOAP requests.
  • Other OGS protocols such as WCS
  • Other output formats (shapefile, KML, GML 3.1) - but easy to add.

Some parts (such as output formats or missing WFS methods) can even be implemented within your own project, by overriding the existing class attributes.

Compatibility with older WFS-clients

Some popular WFS-clients still use aspects of the WFS 1.0 filter syntax in their queries. To support these clients, the following logic is also implemented:

  • The <PropertyName> tag instead of <fes:ValueReference>
  • The <fes:Add>, <fes:Sub>, <fes:Mul> and <fes:Div> arithmetic operators, used by QGis.
  • The FILTER=<Filter>...</Filter> parameter without an XML namespace declaration, typically seen in web-browser libraries.
  • The MAXFEATURES parameter instead of COUNT.
  • The TYPENAME parameter instead of TYPENAMES (used by the CITE test suite!).
  • Using A and D as sort direction in SORTBY / <fes:SortBy> instead of ASC and DESC.

For CITE test suite compliance, urn:ogc:def:query:OGC-WFS::GetFeatureById query returns an HTTP 404 for an invalid resource ID format, even though the WFS 2 specification states it should return an InvalidParameterValue. Likewise, the <ResourceId> query returns an empty list instead of InvalidParameterValue for invalid resource ID formats. This behavior can be disabled with the GISSERVER_WFS_STRICT_STANDARD setting.