Feature Type Configuration

Having completed the getting started page, a server should be running. The exposed feature types can be configured further.


WFS uses the term “feature” reference any real-world pointable thing, which is typically called an “object instance” in Django terminology. Likewise, a “feature type” describes the definition, which Django calls a “model”.

Defining the Exposed Fields

By default, only the geometry field is exposed as WFS attribute. This avoids exposing any privacy sensitive fields.

While fields="__all__" works for convenience, it’s better and more secure to define the exact field names using the FeatureType(..., fields=[...]) parameter:

from gisserver.features import FeatureType
from gisserver.views import WFSView

class CustomWFSView(WFSView):

    feature_types = [

Renaming Fields

Using the model_attribute, the field name can differ from the actual attribute:

from gisserver.features import FeatureType, field
from gisserver.views import WFSView

class CustomWFSView(WFSView):

    feature_types = [
                field("location", model_attribute="point"),
                field("owner.id", model_attribute="owner_id"),

Exposing Complex Fields

Foreign key relations can be exposed as “complex fields”:

from gisserver.features import FeatureType, field
from gisserver.views import WFSView

class CustomWFSView(WFSView):

    feature_types = [
                field("owner", fields=["id", "name", "phonenumber"])

These fields appear as nested properties in the GetFeature response.

Exposing Flattened Relations

Since various clients (like QGis) don’t support complex types well, relations can also be flattened by defining dotted-names. This can be combined with model_attribute which allows to access a different field:

from gisserver.features import FeatureType, field
from gisserver.views import WFSView

class CustomWFSView(WFSView):

    feature_types = [
                field("owner.id", model_attribute="owner_id")
                field("owner.phone", model_attribute="owner.telephone"),

If a dotted-name is found, the field() logic assumes it’s a flattened relation.

In the example above, the owner.id field is linked to the owner_id model attribute so no additional JOIN is needed to filter against owner.id.

Overriding Value Retrieval

Changed in version 1.0.4: The xsd_class simplifies field overriding, and value_from_object() is now used.

Deep down, all feature fields are mapped to XsdElement objects that defines what WFS-server should generate as type definition. Field values are retrieved using XsdElement.get_value(), which resolves any dotted paths and calls Django’s value_from_object() on the model field. This logic can be overwritten:

from gisserver.features import field
from gisserver.types import XsdElement
from gisserver.views import WFSView

class CustomXsdElement(XsdElement):
    def get_value(self, instance):
        return self.source.object_from_image(instance)

class CustomWFSView(WFSView):

    feature_types = [
               field("image", xsd_class=CustomXsdElement),