
While most errors should be self-explanatory, this page lists anything that might be puzzling.

Operation on mixed SRID geometries

The error “Operation on mixed SRID geometries” often indicates that the database table uses a different SRID then the GeometryField(srid=..) configuration in Django assumes.

Only numeric values of degree units are allowed on geographic DWithin queries

The DWithin / Beyond can only use unit-based distances when the model field defines a projected system (e.g. PointField(srid=...)). Otherwise, only the units of the geometry field are supported (e.g. degrees for WGS84). If it’s possible to work around this limitation, a pull request is welcome.

ProgrammingError / InternalError database exceptions

When an ProgrammingError or InternalError happens, this likely means the database table schema doesn’t match with the Django model. As WFS queries allow clients to construct complex queries against a table, any discrepancies between the Django model and database table are bound to show up.

For example, if your database table uses an INTEGER or CHAR(1) type, but declares a BooleanField in Django this will cause errors. Django can only construct queries in reliably when the database schema matches the model definition.

Make sure your Django model migrations have been applied, or that any imported database tables matches the model definition.

InvalidCursorName cursor “_django_curs_…” does not exist

This error happens when the database connection passes through a connection pooler (e.g. PgBouncer). One workaround is wrapping the view inside @transaction.atomic, or disabling server-side cursors entirely by adding DISABLE_SERVER_SIDE_CURSORS = True to the settings.

For details, see:

Sentry SDK truncates the exceptions for filters

The Sentry SDK truncates log messages after 512 characters. This typically truncates the contents of the FILTER parameter, as it’s XML notation is quite verbose. Add the following to your settings file to see the complete message:

import sentry_sdk.utils

sentry_sdk.utils.MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 2048  # for WFS FILTER exceptions